“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…” (Phil 1:3-5)
We know that God is at work all over the world. At BRBC, we’re passionate about forming partnerships locally, nationally and globally to support ministries through giving financially, prayer and serving in-person.
West Special School
West Special School in Chewele, Kenya, values the acceptance, inclusion and integration of all children with disabilities. Our school exists to love and care for children with a Christ-like love, educating them and equipping them to fulfil their God-given purpose.
Asia Link
Asia Link is an adventurous and passionate mission organisation reaching people who have never heard the gospel before; telling stories and sharing experiences with other Christians and churches to inspire, challenge and encourage them to engage with exciting opportunities to partner with God’s work in Asia.
Caring For Life
Based up in Leeds, Caring For Life seek to “Share the Love of Jesus” with at-risk and hurting people, including those who are homeless.
Christians Against Poverty
Christians Against Poverty are all about sharing and showing the love of Jesus, bringing freedom and good news to the poor using their free debt help service, amongst other services, as a tool to do so.
Bologna Mission
Marco and Fede are serving in a church in Bologna, Italy, where Marco is the Pastor. With only 1% of Italy’s population being Evangelical Christian, this is a mission to share the gospel with the unreached. Fede and a team from the Church also run a mission to help women who have been trafficked and trapped in slavery.
Home for Good
Home for Good work to mobilise the Church in the UK to respond to the needs of vulnerable children through families stepping forward to foster or adopt and churches wrapping around families with support, and to influence wider society.
The DOXA Project
The Doxa Project supports a small slum community called Kwa Murugi, on the edge of Lake Nakuru in Kenya. Through a child education sponsorship scheme and various community projects, The Doxa Project seeks to bring the love of Jesus to the families that it serves.
The focus of Frontiers is to send out teams to live out and share the love of Jesus in Muslim communities where no one has previously made him known.
Bury Drop-In
Bury Drop-In aims to provide a safe place for the homeless and those with housing needs in Bury St Edmunds. We provide warm food, friendship, and introductions to various local agencies and support groups ranging from health to housing.
Open Doors
Open Doors originated in 1955, when a young Dutchman started smuggling Bibles to the persecuted church in Communist Europe. He became known as Brother Andrew, and his work led to more than six decades of support for the persecuted church
Serving In Mission is the UK branch of SIM, an international organisation with more than 4,000 multi-ethnic workers serving in over 70 countries.
We work on every inhabited continent, convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news.
SIM workers serve in a huge variety of career fields – from church planting and theological education, to digging for wells, running children’s activities in refugee camps and translating the Bible into local languages.
Bury Christian Youth (BCY)
BCY was founded in 1990, the result of churches in Bury St Edmunds and the surrounding district identifying a need to develop consistent Christian input into local middle and upper schools.
Today BCY continues to focus on its mission of ‘connecting young people to Jesus’ working with schools and churches. We provide lively and inspiring presentations in assemblies, lessons and lunch-time clubs, and run out-of-school events which complement the schools ministry. To deliver this we involve local churches wherever possible, seeing ourselves both as an arm of the Church reaching out and as a bridge between school and church.
Bury Town Pastors
Bury Town Pastors spend Friday and Saturday evenings in the town centre of Bury St Edmunds being a positive influence on the streets and providing help and support to vulnerable people.
United Beach Missions
United Beach Missions are all about sharing the good news of Jesus with families on the beaches of England and Wales. Many of our BRBC community have spent summers partnering with UBM on the shores of the UK.