Children & Youth


Friday Night Youth

eXplore: For children in Year 1 to Year 4. This group meets on a Friday evening between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. There’s crafts, Bible stories and games to fill an action packed hour each week!

eXcite: For children in Year 5 to Year 8. This group meets on a Friday evening between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. Fun & friendly, and like Explore, there’s crafts, Bible stories and games.

The Lounge: The Lounge is for young people in Year 9 to Year 13, and meets on a Friday evening from 8.00pm to 9:30pm in the BRBC lounge. This is an open youth group, and a regular meeting place for friends, both from the village and from local schools and colleges. The teens are welcome to join us from 7:45pm ready to kick things off at 8:00pm. Our aim is to help teens investigate who Jesus is, through his word. We will have a mix of a short talk, followed by discussion questions. . Whether you're completely new to church or have been around for years; whether you're full of questions about Christianity or want to journey closer to God, we would love to see you at The Lounge. This is a great place to ask your questions and get to know Christianity better.

If you would like more details about any of our children’s and youth work then please contact Joe Grimwood.

Team Leader: Joe Grimwood



FEAST (Friends, Eats And Study Time) is a group that meets once a month on a Saturday evening to provide an opportunity for teenagers and young people to be together outside of the usual church surroundings, to consider more about Christianity; held in an informal environment of a home, there is prayer time, study, discussion, and of course food! This group is aimed at year 9 to 13.

Team Leader: Glen McLellan


Connect with us for even more information!