In the Week
Women @ BRBC
We have a flourishing Women’s Ministry here at BRBC and our aim is to to equip women through the word of God that they would grow in their love for God, and others. We run a number of regular events for women to meet together, to share and encourage each other in their walk with Jesus.
We have two Ladies Bible Studies which are held in the Church. They are open to all ladies who want to join together to study the Bible in an informal setting.
The Friday Ladies Bible Study group meets each Friday during term time from 9.30-10.45am. Starting with coffee, the meeting then moves on to the study and ends with a time of sharing and prayer. There is a staffed crèche available, and snacks are provided. If you are interested in coming along, please contact Liz for more information.
The Monday Night Ladies Bible Study group meets every other Monday evening from 7.15-9pm. Again starting with coffee, then moving on to study, sharing and prayer. If you are interested in coming along, please contact Emma for more information.
Our Ladies Breakfasts and Coffee Mornings run throughout the year and are a chance for the ladies to get together in an informal setting to deepen their friendships and their faith through inspirational talks.
We also hold seasonal craft evenings which offer a great opportunity for ladies to invite friends and family along to. With no formal teaching, this is a great first step in leading friends to Jesus.
If you would like any more information on our women’s events please email Emma.
Team Leader: Emma Bryant
Men @ BRBC
Men’s Ministry is not that different to the wider mission of BRBC: to love Jesus together and help others do the same. Men’s Ministry provides a unique opportunity for Men to meet each other, share life and the good news of Jesus collectively. Our regular Men’s Ministry events are:
Mens’ Breakfasts are for Christian men looking to be challenged to serve more and think of ways to connect with men of no faith. The content is rich, encouraging, thought provoking and challenging, all over a big breakfast.
Mens’ Socials are completely invitational events for men with no teaching content; it’s just men sharing time together. Expect a friendly and inviting atmosphere at all of the events.
If you would like any more information on our men’s events please email here.
Fellowship Lunch
Fellowship Lunches take place at 1.00pm on the fourth Thursday of the month between October and April. There is an after-lunch speaker who is invited to present the Christian message. The lunches are regularly attended by up to 50, both ladies and men – mainly in the over 60s age group. Friends are often made over the meal and people return regularly. The food is always of a high quality and it’s not unusual for the men to ask for more! If you have not been before and would like to attend, please email Alan & Barbara.
Team Leaders: Alan & Barbara Drury